Twitter Updates for 2008-05-06

  • the 1 day of British Summer has arrived and will probably go as quick #
  • its sunny outside and I end up doing differential equations what fun! #
  • google base = pain in the arse #

The problem with IT – More money Syndrome

The more and more I deal with companies and managing networks and working with the wonderful world of windows server, the more and more I realise how poor many companies deal with IT.

Q: “What is the problem?”
A: “I don’t really know, but we can solve it if we buy a new X “

Here in lies the problem, there a number of companies that get this crap answer. There is very rarely a person in the company who will take responsibility and make sure their current system works properly before trying new things or upgrading, at the end of the day new hardware is meant to be better right?. Small to medium businesses have less of a problem with this because the amount spent on IT directly effects there bottom line, and don’t have deep pockets for IT to begin with.

The problem becomes even more pronounced when you get to a school or college. There are obvious complexities with these system your dealing with a couple of hundred computers and about 10 times as many users, but when anything goes wrong more money ‘must’ be spent to solve the problem. Inevitably the systems breakdown within a couple of weeks or even days, because the real problem wasn’t tackled or even attempted to find a fix.

For the average user this is a minor or major frustration depending on which way you spin it, but for anybody interested or working in tech like me, its like having burnt sticks buried into the back of my eyes. It can’t be too difficult to get it set up right in the first place, I like buying new tech as much as the next man (probably even more) but you have to realise somewhere along the line what you are proposing is costing someone a shed load of money and that money could be used better elsewhere, especially in schools.

–Rant Over–

I almost get Twitter, I think.

OK, so I will be the first to admit I am quite the geek but I didn’t really get twitter. Fair enough I have had an account but it wasn’t until last night that the penny finally dropped.

So I have twitter in my AIM account, but have never really done anything with it. “track iron man” the 3 words that brought about the revelation that made twitter make sense to me.

Within seconds I had 30 messages, all relating to our favorite subject Iron Man. Not content with just one subject I added a couple more, and then shut down AIM. Unfortunately for my iphone it was ill equipped to deal with that many messages in one go, so mobile messaging is now disabled. I think twitter is one of those weird things you come across that you have to have being using it for a couple of weeks, before you actually get it. 

Heres to Twitter!!

Its one of those things that snowballs, I don’t think I post that much but the information I get out of twitter is invaluable. Like:

Stay until the end of Iron Man, there’s an extra scene.

Also its nice to just be able to post, that witty one liner you just came up with ;-).