I’m not quite sure if anyone else is keeping a running score on all this, but by my calculation, what was going to be a leveraged 440bn euro EFSF turning into 1.3 trillion via Spiv investments, plus an additional 2o0 billion from the IMF (a grand total of 1.5trillion euros) now looks more like 600 billion….falling short by a mere 60%. Or, as a French credit manager put it this afternoon, “Nowhere near enough”.

So in brief, the heads-up is this: thanks to half-bankrupting itself  to buy junk bonds, the ECB doesn’t have enough for proper bank bailouts; all the banks that most need buffers have the smallest ones; and the EU itself has just two euros out of each five required to stop multiple defaults.

via EU CRISIS: The simple problem is, there’s nowhere near enough money. | The Slog.

Computer scientists answer the ultimate question: Where’s Waldo? | ExtremeTech

The solution, as posted by Stack Overflow user Heike, makes a mockery of our poorly-outfitted visual cortex. Using Mathematica, a mathematics-oriented programming environment developed by Wolfram of Wolfram Alpha fame, Heike uses five lines of code to: 1 Filter out all non-red pixels, 2 Search what’s left for a striped pattern, and finally 3 Draw a circle around pixels that have a sufficiently high correlation. Voila, There’s Waldo.

via Computer scientists answer the ultimate question: Where’s Waldo? | ExtremeTech.